This is the WORST show that currently airs on Nick

I would rather watch ChalkZone,I would rather watch The Mighty B,I would raher die,anything but this! This crud is about some lady named Linda Ellerbee.Shes so ugly and annoying! Oh,and what kind of a name is Ellerbee? She talks about tigs goin on in the world.BORING! Backround:boring. In the news room the place has SO MUCH WHITE! What about some decorating people!? Plot:lame.Like I said earlier,this show is boring,and why is it on Nick? Its the NEWS! Chilldren hate the news! Humor:Theres NO SUCH THING as humor in this show! This is a piece of garbage that is too blah and not humourous like SpongeBob! Each time I watch it,the shows gets worse and worse! Characters:Uggh! This show has some pretty awful characters! They're just a lame host and a group of kids! This show is so disgustingly horrible it will never become a hit EVER! I never heard my friends say "I have to get home to watch Nick News!" Or "I taped Nick News so I wont miss it."Bottomline we can save the world! But how? By taking this show off the air! FOR GOOD!